
  尹戎生 (1930.11—) 南绥江人。擅长油画、美术教育。1954年毕业于中央美术学院并留校任教,历任助教、讲师、副教授、教授。1984—1986年获法国政府奖学金留学巴黎国立高等美术学校。油画《夺取全国胜利——毛主席和老帅们在一起》、《贺胜桥战役》、《烧地契》、《暴风骤雨》、《北上抗日》、《鞠躬尽瘁》、《诗碑寄友情》、《金沙江畔》、《老战士》、《三峡》等十余幅作品为中国革命博物馆、军事博物馆、中国美术馆等收藏。出版个人画集 《夺取全国胜利》、《巴黎的回忆——尹戎生油画作品集》,主编出版《卢浮尔博物馆藏画选集》、《奥塞博物馆藏画选》、《西方画廊》等。 Yin Rongsheng(1930-2005) Born in Sichuan Province. Graduated in 1954 from Central Academy of Fine Arts and stayed in the Academy to teach. Worked as a professor of the Oil Painting Department of the Academy and a member of China Artists’ Association. He participated in each of the National Art Exhi-bitions. Over 10 pieces of works were collected by National Art Museum of China, Chinese Revolution Museum and Chinese Military Museum. Works were also exhibited in Singapore, Japan and France. From 1984, he studied in Ecole Superieure National des Beaux Arts in Paris. Solo exhibitions were held in France in 1985-1986 and 1997. He supervised the production of two important albums “Paintings Collected in Musee d’Orsay” in 1987 and “Paintings Collected in Louvre” in 1991.(Lot 19)
