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Susan L. Talbott to retire as Director and C.E.O. of Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art
相关描述:HARTFORD, CONN.- Susan L. Talbott announced Friday she will retire as Director and C.E.O of the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art after completing...
Pérez Art Museum Miami exceeds annual attendance and other key goals in first year
相关描述:MIAMI, FLA.- Pérez Art Museum Miami announced today that it has welcomed 300,000 visitors—including more than 70,000 children and students—to the...
Guggenheim Foundation approves twenty-year extension of Guggenheim Museum Bilbao agreement
相关描述:NEW YORK, NY.- The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation announced today that its Board of Trustees approved the renewal of the agreement for the Gugg...
The Guggenheim Museum Will Stay in Bilbao Until 2034
相关描述:The Guggenheim is staying in Bilbao, well, at least for the time being. The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation announced yesterday that it was rene...
The Heckscher Museum of Art presents 'Modern Alchemy: Experiments in Photography'
相关描述:HUNTINGTON, NY.- The Heckscher Museum of Art presents Modern Alchemy: Experiments in Photography. This exhibition is on view from December 6, 201...
相关描述:     艺术家早已经不是过去那些抱着画架到处写生的人。他们总是坐在飞机上,在去双年展现场、查看展览现场、回家的路上。他们是艺术大军中最为“居无定所”的群体。   艺术家在全球跑展览现场最缺的就是时间,目前宝马公司已经与巴塞尔艺博会结成合作关系,双方将设立“宝马艺术之旅”项目。   ...
Art Basel and BMW to partner on a new global collaboration supporting emerging artists
相关描述:MIAMI, FLA.- Starting in 2015, Art Basel and BMW will support emerging artists by awarding the BMW Art Journey, enabling them to go on their own ...
Six final concept designs for Guggenheim Helsinki Design Competition unveiled
相关描述:NEW YORK, NY.- The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation announced today that an independent, 11-member jury has unanimously selected six concept desi...
Manual used by Flight Director Gene Kranz during first moon landing sold for $91k
相关描述:BOSTON, MASS.- An Apollo 11 manual used by Flight Director Gene Kranz during first moon landing sold for $91,909 on Thursday according to Massach...
New York-based artist, writer and publisher Paul Chan awarded the Hugo Boss Prize 2014
相关描述:NEW YORK, NY.- Last night the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation and Hugo Boss announced Paul Chan as the recipient of the Hugo Boss Prize 2014. Th...
Discover innovative and diverse artworks by artists from different generations and regions across Canada
相关描述:OTTAWA.- Until 8 March 2015, the National Gallery of Canada presents Shine a Light: Canadian Biennial 2014. The exhibition highlights a selection...
Ancient Resource taps into major collections for its Dec 7 Fine Ancient Artifacts Auction
相关描述:MONTROSE, CA.- In 2003, after years of producing and writing ancient-history documentaries for History Channel, Discovery Channel and other respe...
Paul Chan Wins Hugo Boss Prize
相关描述:This evening at the Guggenheim, it was announced that Paul Chan is the winner of the 2014 Hugo Boss Prize. The bi-annual $100,000 art prize is pr...
Marina Abramović, David Schwimmer Attend ICI Benefit and Auction
相关描述:What: Independent Curators International Annual Benefit and Auction When: November 17, 2014 Where: Cipriani in the historic Cunard Building Wh...
棕榈泉艺术博物馆任命新馆长 希望重新并置艺术史
相关描述:  加州棕榈泉艺术博物馆(Palm Spring Art Museum)宣布将任命前明尼阿波利斯艺术学院策展人伊丽莎白·阿姆斯特朗(Elizabeth Armstrong)为新任馆长。她将接替Steven Nash的位置,后者在今年4月时宣布将在年底退休。阿姆斯特朗的任期从一月开始。  ...
Christie's Latest Blockbuster Edges Closer to the $1B Mark
相关描述:Christie’s yet again set a record for all auctions everywhere on Wednesday evening at its Rockefeller Center headquarters in New York, taking in ...
相关描述:   伊丽莎白·阿姆斯特朗   加州棕榈泉艺术博物馆(Palm Spring Art Museum)宣布将任命前明尼阿波利斯艺术学院策展人伊丽莎白·阿姆斯特朗(Elizabeth Armstrong)为新任馆长。她将接替Steven Nash的位置,后者在今年4月时宣布将在年底退休。阿...
Guggenheim creates new curatorial position for architecture and digital initiatives
相关描述:NEW YORK, NY.- Richard Armstrong, Director, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and Foundation, announced the appointment of architect and scholar Troy ...
Guggenheim International Gala honors 2014 exhibition artists; Over $2.1 million was raised
相关描述:NEW YORK, NY.- On November 5 and 6, 2014, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum celebrated the 2014 Guggenheim International Gala honoring artists Car...
Protests Disrupt Guggenheim Museum International Gala
相关描述:Protests disrupted the Guggenheim Museum's International Gala, a black tie invitation only affair held inside the museum on 5th Avenue in New Yor...
