相关描述:2020年7月25日起,黎旭个展“不安之书”(The Book of Disquiet)将在Funspace Gallery线上展厅举行,展览展出他的部分油画作品,由胡凌远担任策展人。展览持续到8月31日。作为艺术家黎旭艺术生涯里的首个意大利个展,策展人胡凌远基于他的绘画语言与艺术哲学,针...
相关描述:Introduction HYBIRD is a concept style based on popular Syber punk, and post-apocalypse, it’s an art language that mixed nature elements, artific...
相关描述:环球自然日——青少年科学故事播讲赛素材库(2020版)由《十万个为什么》杂志选编提供。素材库目录1、Mysterious Undersea Shooting2、Sparrow and Swallow3、The Adventure in Wetland4、The Fake Courier5、...
相关描述: Shen Jingdong creates replicas of himself that take many different forms and reach out across different media: sculpture, paintings, on canvas,...
相关描述:/ March 22th, 2020 Georg Baselitz 乔治·巴塞利玆-AN ART SPACEBorn Hans-Georg Kern in 19382020▼▲ 对话丨德国“新表现主义”的代表性艺术家乔治·巴塞利玆German representative of the "...
相关描述: 绘画的秘密一直是去发现另一层华美的肌肤,这是胜过人世间所有皮肤且不老而绚丽的肌肤,它或者是绘画的光泽,如果是用油画作为颜料的话,它或者用绢色带来的玉质感。绘画肌肤的触感,也是绘画永恒的诱惑,以物质的油画颜料抵达那如此切近又如此渺远的微妙触感,这就是绘画的光晕(aura of light...
相关描述:视觉编码——第五届德中青年艺术家发展基金联展Vision Code——The 5th German and Chinese Young Artists Development Fund Joint Exhibition主办 | Organizer:德中文化交流基金会 GeKA e.V.基金...
相关描述: In the traditional sense, analysis of western sculptures lies in the artistic sediment of the ancient Greece and Rome and the Renaissance, whic...
相关描述: Ms. LIN Xiaochu acquired her essentials of painting during the period at the Fine Arts School and the Second Studio in the Oil-Painting Departm...