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相关描述:   许多艺术史学者认为,巴布罗 ∙ 毕加索和墨西哥壁画名家迪亚哥 ∙ 里维拉(Diego Rivera)之间友谊短暂。他们在1914年于巴黎相识,同样投入立体主义的创作,里维拉更受到毕加索的绘画影响,却在来年指控毕加索抄袭自己的作品,导致两人分道扬镳。 两位艺术家在1913-14年...
相关描述:  许多艺术史学者认为,巴布罗 ∙ 毕加索和墨西哥壁画名家迪亚哥 ∙ 里维拉(Diego Rivera)之间友谊短暂。他们在1914年于巴黎相识,同样投入立体主义的创作,里维拉更受到毕加索的绘画影响,却在来年指控毕加索抄袭自己的作品,导致两人分道扬镳。 ▲两位艺术家在1913-14年...
【雅昌快讯】Tong Gallery+Projects首次推出海外艺术家个展
相关描述:   (雅昌艺术网讯)2016年11月4日,Tong Gallery+Projects首次推出海外艺术家个展“Mark Nader : Doublespeak”。   Mark Nader (英) 毕业于久负盛名的中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院(Central Saint Martins...
蒙克巨作《桥上少女》亮相苏富比 估价5000万美元
相关描述:  纽约苏富比印象派及现代艺术晚拍即将于 11 月 4 日拉开帷幕,而拍场一大亮点为爱德华‧ 孟克( Edvard Munch)作于 1902 年的经典巨作《桥上女孩》,乃画家艺术生涯中的巅峰之作,估价逾 5,000 万美元*。‘印象派及现代艺术’和‘当代艺术’秋季拍卖预展将由 11 月4...
相关描述:  纽约蘇富比“印象派及现代艺术晚拍”即将于11月14日下午7时拉开帷幕,而拍场一大亮点为爱德华‧蒙克(Edvard Munch)作于1902年的经典巨作《桥上女孩》,乃画家艺术生涯中的巅峰之作,估价逾5,000万美元*。   “印象派及现代艺术”和“当代艺术”拍卖预展:11月4至14日...
相关描述:   16世纪末至17世纪的100年是西班牙美术的黄金时代,其间,出现了格列柯、里维拉、苏巴兰、牟利罗等杰出的画家,而其中影响最大的人物还是委拉斯开兹。他以卓越的洞察力和创作性的艺术技巧,变现出他对西班牙人民的热爱和对于绘画艺术的精确理解。在艺术史上,他不但属于西班牙,而是属于全世界...
Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego Cutting Jobs and Closing Main Building Due to Expansion
相关描述:Kinsee Morlan of the Voice of San Diego writes that the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, due to a major expansion, will be cutting twenty pa...
The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage appoints Kelly Shindler as Senior Specialist for Exhibitions
相关描述:Lisa Melandri, executive director of the Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis (CAM), announces today that CAM Associate Curator Kelly Shindler has b...
New Francis Bacon Exhibition Announced By Guggenheim Museum Bilbao
相关描述:A new exhibition of the work of Francis Bacon titled Francis Bacon: From Picasso to Velázquez has been announced by the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao....
San Francisco’s 500 Capp Street Foundation Appoints Bob Linder as Curator
相关描述:According to Tessa Goldsher of Artnews, the 500 Capp Street Foundation, a museum housed in the former San Francisco home of conceptual artist Dav...
Solo exhibition by Daniel Buren opens at Museo Espacio
相关描述:Museo Espacio (ME) at MECA is presenting Como un juego de niño, a solo exhibition by Daniel Buren, on view July 21 – October 2, 2016. Opened in F...
First major U.S. exhibition of the "School of London" artists opens at the Getty
相关描述:From the 1940s through the 1980s, a prominent group of Londonbased artists developed new styles and approaches to depicting the human figure and ...
Cast Shadows and Darkness-On the painting of Su Xinping
相关描述:  Notions and standards of beauty change with the times. The masterworks of art that are born of this change will, at a certain point, enter into...
Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego announces summer exhibitions at downtown location
相关描述:The Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego presents four exhibitions at its Downtown location that highlight the Museum’s permanent collection and ...
Newly reinstalled galleries featuring 28 Modern artists open at Museum of Fine Arts Boston
相关描述:A series of new installations on the third floor of the Art of the Americas Wing at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, explores the notion of “Maki...
【雅昌快讯】“美的颠覆” 侨福芳草地当代美术馆全方位呈现意大利当代艺术
相关描述: 侨福集团主席黄建华在开幕式上致辞 意大利大使  Ettore Francesco Sequi 在开幕式上致辞 策展人罗兰·艾格 Lorand Hegyi 在开幕式上致辞         (雅昌艺术网讯)2016年7月16日,“美的颠覆——意大利当代艺术的洞见”展览在侨福芳...
Dr. Agustín Arteaga appointed Director of the Dallas Museum of Art
相关描述:The Dallas Museum of Art today announced that Dr. Agustín Arteaga has been appointed as its Eugene McDermott Director. Arteaga currently serves a...
Agustín Arteaga Named New Director of Dallas Museum
相关描述:The Dallas Museum of Art announced today that Dr. Agustín Arteaga has been appointed its new director. He will assume his position on September 1...
'Héctor Garcia: 60 Years of Remarkable Photography' at Throckmorton Fine Art
相关描述:Héctor Garcia photographed the soul of Mexico. In his remarkable, six-decade-long career, he traveled extensively around the country, documenting...
Francois Tajan of Artcurial Talks Luxury at Auction, Upcoming Sales
相关描述:As Artcurial gets ready to hold its annual sale devoted to luxury items in Monte-Carlo, July 18‑21, Blouin Artinfo meets its Deputy Chairman, Fra...
