
    刘韡1972年生于北京。刘韡的创作成熟于中国发展进程中的一个重要阶段,受新世纪中国社会特有的变动和起伏影响——城市和人文景观的变迁对其影响尤为突出。他以众多不同媒介,诸如绘画、影像、装置及雕塑等来进行创作,并逐渐以自己独特的艺术方式在世界舞台上受到瞩目。他的创作将发生于中国的无数政治及社会转变所导致的视觉和智力层面的混乱凝聚成为一种多变且独特的艺术语言。其中,长期的“狗咬胶”系列装置作品、“丛林”系列帆布装置作品、“书城”系列书装置作品及近期的绘画系列“东方”及“全景”代表了刘韡美学中的多样性:与城市息息相关的、激进的混乱,以及与抽象历史积极进行沟通的、平静的绚丽。 近期个展包括“全景”(Plateau, 首尔,2016)“白银”(白立方,香港,2015);“颜色”(尤伦斯当代艺术中心,北京,2015)。
  Liu Wei (b.1972) was born and presently resides in Beijing, China. He was trained as a painter at the China Academy of Art, Hangzhou in 1996. He is heavily influenced by the instability and fluctuation peculiar to twenty-first century China, in particular with respect to its physical and intellectual landscape. Initially Liu belongs to the generation of artists known as the Post-Sensibility group; in the years since, with his paintings, videos and large-scale installations Liu has become a singular presence on the global art stage. Post-Duchampian, and actively negotiating with the legacy of the Modern, his works are known for crystallizing the visual and intellectual chaos of China's myriad fraught transformations into an artistic language as versatile as it is distinctive. The long-term "Love It, Bite It" series of oxhide installations, "Jungle"canvas installations, "Density"book installations and the recent, monumental series of paintings "The East" and "Panorama" for instance, represent the immense diversity found in Liu Wei's art: ruined, dystopian structures made of uncanny materials that pertain chiefly to the urban environment today, and painted surfaces of formidable tranquility that communicate actively with the history of abstract art. Liu Wei's recent solo exhibitions include Panorama PLATEAU, Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul, 2016; Silver White Cube, Hong Kong, 2015; Colors Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, 2015.
