相关描述:作品团队(Team):象趣引擎——中国·杭州(IOA Hangzhou·China)作品名称(Name):《白蛇天下大同》(WHITE SNAKE:GREAT HARMONY IN THE WORLD)作品理念(Creation Idea):自2020年疫情暴发至蔓延全球,两年时间里,世...
相关描述: The motif of elongated, often neither realistic nor proportioned, but highly stylized portrayals of human bodies reappear in Fang Xu‘s sculptur...
相关描述:“光晕-ART+”“吾全艺术中心首展The aura of ART- Inaugral exhibition of Wuquan art centre策展人:文广Curated by Wenguang展览时间 | Duration2022.7.9(周六)- 2022.8.9(周二)(10:...
相关描述:在世界环境日的今天,与你分享侨福芳草地从建筑设计至日常运营中的环境保护理念,以及与社区、与社会和与地球永续共生的承诺。相关全文刊于《侨福读库Vol.3》。It is World Environmental Day today, let us have an overview of how ...
相关描述: It's about an exhibition of two artists from Netherland and China. They are living in different places geographically, but their arts shares th...
相关描述: Gallery 1618 made the audacious decision to bet on young up and coming artists who all are seeking something. Until the 2nd of October you coul...
相关描述:一、拍卖简介 / Auction profile:拍卖主题:香港金字塔2019迪拜《世纪博雅》迎春拍卖会Auction Theme : Hong Kong Pyramid 2019 Dubai (Century Boya) Spring Festival auction拍卖时间:2019年...
相关描述: in Chinese painting there is a painting called "fine brushwork", in addition to dozens of layers of halo dye color, the more the core of the ef...