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相关描述:Samādhi 三摩地-中澳女性艺术家巡回展Samadhi-Touring Exhibition of Chinese and Australian Women ArtistsCurator:Claudia Fanatic(CHN) | 策展人:范云(中国)Art Director:Lan...
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相关描述:\ Happy women's day /每个憧憬未来的女孩小时候都会幻想自己长大后的模样。是拥有天使面容完美身材的时尚女郎?是拎着Prada在城市CBD的摩天高楼中行色匆匆的职业女性?是和爱人相拥在温暖的家中享受小确幸的人生?还是行走天涯、敢爱敢恨、探索世界边界的冒险家?小时候的想象代表...
相关描述:The Chinese mythological epic Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom of Storms is set for its release in the United Kingdom and Ireland on Sept 22. [Pho...