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相关描述:  1   成交7原则   1、顾客要的不是便宜,是感到占了便宜;   2、不与顾客争论价格,要与顾客讨论价值;   3、没有不对的客户,只有不好的服务;   4、卖什么不重要,重要的是怎么卖;   5、没有最好的产品,只有最合适的产品;   6、没有卖不出的货,只有卖不出货...
Noguchi Table Sells for Record $4.5m at Phillips
相关描述:Phillips’ rocking $14.2 million “The Collector: Icons of Design” auction on Tuesday evening was led by Isamu Noguchi’s spectacular and rare “The ...
Mystery Buyer of Jasper Johns Flag Dropped $87 Million At Sotheby's Sale
相关描述:The packed saleroom at Sotheby's watched eagerly on Tuesday (November 11) as auctioneer Oliver Barker opened the bidding on Lot #9, Jasper Johns'...
相关描述:     巴赫曼-威尔逊住宅(Bachman Wilson House)   水晶桥美国艺术博物馆( Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art) 近日宣布已购得美国著名建筑大师弗兰克-赖特设计于1954年的作品——位于新泽西州的巴赫曼-威尔逊住宅。赖...
Ark. art museum faces new challenge: groundhogs
相关描述:Art museums often toil to capture master works to hang on their walls. But recently, a museum in northwest Arkansas has been trying to capture s...
The 2013 ARTnews 200 Top Collectors
相关描述:Shelley Fox Aarons and Philip E. Aarons New York Real estate Contemporary art Roman Abramovich and Dasha Zhukova Moscow Steel, mining, inve...
相关描述:     亚马逊CEO杰夫·贝佐斯   亚马逊自1995年开始线上销售业务,如今这个顶级网络零售巨头在几大领域中已独占鳌头。随着网络购物的不断普及,亚马逊开始将触角伸入其他领域,并不断取得成功。最近,公司宣布进军艺术品市场,这对苏富比将构成严峻挑战。亚马逊的这次行动被认为是“重操旧业”...
Amazon's Entry into Art Sales Will Hurt Sotheby's Margins
相关描述:Since 1995, Amazon.com (NASDAQ: AMZN) has been synonymous with online shopping. The leading e-tailer has taken on rivals in several areas and dom...
Women on the Verge
相关描述:A lady in a bonnet is shaking up the art world. When "After Lunch," Berthe Morisot's portrait of a doe-eyed woman, sold for $10.9 million in Feb...
Crystal Bridges answers criticism with post-war acquisitions
相关描述:Fortified by three major 20th-century acquisitions made last fall—including two revealed exclusively to The Art Newspaper—the Crystal Bridges Mus...
Breyer elected to Harvard Corporation
相关描述:James W. Breyer, a leading venture capitalist known for his expertise in innovative technology and media, will join the President and Fellows of ...
Crystal Bridges Museum the victim of apparent Wal-Mart email hoax
相关描述: A view of the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, Ark. (Christopher Reynolds / Los Angeles Times) April Fool's Day is four ...
Crystal Bridges art museum notches first year, draws more than 600K visitors to Bentonville
相关描述:  FILE - This Monday, Oct. 24, 2011 file photo shows the entrance to the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, Ark. The museum ...
A Rothko Fills a Museum's Breach
相关描述:The Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, Ark., opened last November to good reviews—mostly. But some critics zoomed in on a big...
Agreement finalized between Fisk, Arkansas museum over Stieglitz Collection
相关描述:After seven years and several court appeals, the agreement between Fisk University and Wal-Mart heiress Alice Walton to sell a half-share of the ...
The ARTnews 200 Top Collectors
相关描述:Shelley Fox Aarons and Philip E. Aarons New York Real estate Contemporary art Roman Abramovich and Dasha Zhukova Moscow Steel, mining, inve...
With more than 175,000 visitors, Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art opens its art to the heartland
相关描述: "George Washington" made between 1780 and 1782 by Charles Willson Peale. AP Photo/Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. A visitor arrivi...
Wal-Mart Heiress Brings Art Museum To The Ozarks
相关描述: Of Art And Nature: A model shows one of the three ponds that will surround Crystal Bridges. The museum got its name from the two galleries that...
Wal-Mart gives $5 million to help build Smithsonian black history museum on National Mall
相关描述:Wal-Mart donated $5 million Tuesday to help build the Smithsonian Institution’s planned National Museum of African American History and Culture o...
沃尔玛女继承人建私人博物馆 扩展当代艺术收藏
相关描述:   沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)女继承人爱丽丝•沃尔顿(Alice Walton)一直计划在阿肯色州本顿维(Bentonville)建立一座私人博物馆——水晶桥博物馆(Crystal Bridges Museum),该项目一直遭到延期,直到最近才终于确定了开馆日期,在2011年年底或20...
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