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相关描述:  比起明星建筑师打造的博物馆空间或是切尔西区的一间白盒子画廊,现在出现了更受人喜爱的展览空间,那就是每个人手机上的Instagram。这款照片分享社交软件目前已拥有8亿用户,并迅速成为了艺术家、策展人分享新作品的重要平台。如今这款软件又逐渐成为了艺术界更为传统的驻地项目的交流中心。  ...
相关描述:  比起明星建筑师打造的博物馆空间或是切尔西区的一间白盒子画廊,现在出现了更受人喜爱的展览空间,那就是每个人手机上的Instagram。这款照片分享社交软件目前已拥有8亿用户,并迅速成为了艺术家、策展人分享新作品的重要平台。如今这款软件又逐渐成为了艺术界更为传统的驻地项目的交流中心。  ...
Gucci推出艺术家Unskilled Worker特别合作系列
相关描述:  当我亲眼看到我的画作,借由精湛的手工艺成为美丽的服饰单品时,我激动万分。这是我与Gucci的一场对话,一场创作上的对话。”   - Unskilled Worker      古驰已于本月11日在古驰官网专享发售Unskilled Worker特别合作系列。同时,Unskil...
Karen Bradley Culture Secretary Plans To Increase Access To Arts and Culture
相关描述:Karen Bradley the new Culture Secretary made her maiden speech last week, in Liverpool, setting out plans for a more inclusive approach to arts a...
Alejandro Aravena's Venice ​architecture ​​biennale: 'We can’t forget beauty in our battles'
相关描述:“The only animal that can defeat the rhinoceros is the mosquito,” says Alejandro Aravena, the Chilean architect curating this year’s Venice archi...
The Death Place
相关描述:   Song Yong Ping's parents were bedridden. They suffered from various maladies. Their family life was dark and disorderly. Song Yong Ping took c...
Sotheby's to auction military and political leader Oliver Cromwell's coffin plate
相关描述:LONDON.- A unique Cromwellian relic will come to the auction block on 9th December when an exquisitely engraved brass plate found resting on Oliv...
The Onion’s Top 12 Art World Parodies
相关描述:You may remember this summer when the satirical news site The Onionran an article in which a fictional museum visitor complains about the glaring...
The Woolworth Building: Big-box as Church
相关描述:This is a recent photo of the lobby of the great Woolworth Building in downtown New York, which I’m posting because I’m about to start spending t...
The Golden Age of Abstraction: Right Now
相关描述:It’s tempting to see the years 1912–25 and 1947–70 as the two golden ages of abstract art, and to feel that the present revival of abstraction is...
Old Master Appreciation Hardly A Spectacular Return
相关描述:Antonio Foglia writes in to the Financial Times with some calculations that suggest art may not be the long-term generator of return that many be...
African Art Establishes Beach Head in London
相关描述:Georgina Adam sees a growing number of dealers in African art appearing in London: “I see Africa as being like Asia in the 1990s” – so the renow...
The Art Market: silkscreens and smokescreens
相关描述:“Our prices are insane!” screamed a work by Barbara Kruger, one of 64 lots of postwar and contemporary art fielded by Christie’s in its main even...
3-D printing produces a fresh creative outlet for artists
相关描述:Despite the chicken-in-every-pot hype over consumer-level 3-D printers, the technology still has a long way to go to be usable, or useful, for th...
Modernity of Art-Regarding to Chinese Contemporary Easel Painting
相关描述:The development of art and modernization process has a lot of relevance. No matter it expanding on the traditional basis or deviating from the tr...
