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相关描述:2024·中国·峰峰CHINA  ATTRATION磁州窑国际陶瓷艺术双年展即将启幕开幕式时间:2024.09.20上午10点 开幕式地点:邯郸峰峰响堂云瑞酒店国际会议中心 展 出 时 间:2024.09.20-2025.01.01 展 出 地 点:峰峰博物馆二楼  「总策展人」  孙振华...
空间意识 | 行走的线索 --钟鼐的材料艺术
相关描述:今天的艺术表现是多元的,而审视艺术的方式更是多种体现,不妨去审美、审丑、审性、审暴力等等。值得庆幸,这整套体系下没有什么太多标准化的框架和约束, 这就给材料艺术留下了太多空间去想象;不妨在钟鼐的作品前多停留一会,审视艺术品的同时也是审视自己,看看你直觉里被唤起的冲动是什么。世界的发展速度是...
The Metropolitan Female in the Vision of the Male - A Critique of Tong Zhengang's Paintings
相关描述:The Metropolitan Female in the Vision of the Male  - A Critique of Tong Zhengang's Paintings Jia Fangzhou  In contemporary city life, the female ...
Dictionaries offer final word on buildings
相关描述:Professor Wang Qijun of the Beijing-based Central Academy of Fine Arts works in his studio. Three dictionaries he compiled about Chinese and West...
相关描述:  时值春暖花开之际,3月17日至22日,“李守白海派重彩春季展”将在上海“云上·朵云”沙龙举行,将展出海派画家李守白先生30多幅近年来的重彩画和雕塑作品。在底蕴浓厚的朵云轩艺术中心欣赏海派艺术,品味李守白先生的浓墨重彩,以及他对上海这座城市的内心情感,实为赏心乐事。  现代社会,一切都是...
相关描述:唐 白大理石仕女 高24.2厘米2019年3月13至29日,在纽约亚州艺术周上,蓝理中国文物将举办重要美国私人藏品之展出及特卖。收藏家亚诺‧泽科尔斯(1914-1998)是位发明实业家,参与复印机初创时期技术改良,取得关键专利,并在美国拓展液态印墨复印机的市场。泽科尔斯的藏品多样,包括各式...
Natural space
相关描述:  Knowledge is a human instinct of human beings there is an understanding of the world, and to the inherent desire to consciously control the. Ba...
discusses about ceramic in modern times
相关描述:  It's obvious that ceramic enjoys a long history and glory in China. Since it was created, through the feudal dynasty, the Republican period unt...
【展览预告】“Michel Comte:Light III|光之三”将于5月18日开幕
相关描述:     麦勒画廊北京部荣幸地我们将举办艺术家Michel Comte在中国的首次个展。作为其同时代最为卓越的图像设计师之一, Comte的艺术创作媒介涵盖绘画、影像装置、雕塑、设计及电影等诸多领域,作品凸显了其对光影的深刻理解及迷恋。Comte此次展出的最新作品是与北京和瓷都景德镇...
相关描述:                关于作品   《夏虫国》   16分30秒   2014年   导演:汤柏华   北京墨者文化出品   作品简介:   “夏虫不可以语冰”,是《庄子》里的经典语句,是古人发出的有限生命面对苍茫世界的无限的感慨。我的家乡是烟花之...
相关描述:   Inter-Youth国际高等艺术学院青年绘画展是集世界一流艺术学院背景的优秀青年艺术家作品的展示与交流平台,它包含了青年作品的历史、现在、未来三种展示形态,具有高端、前沿、实验性的人文关怀精神以及追问绘画的本源传承、融合、创新的时代使命。   工作室(工作坊)是青年艺术家思想与...
"Apostles of Nature: Jugendstil and Art Nouveau" opens at LACMA
相关描述:Organized by LACMA’s Rifkind Center for German Expressionist Studies, Apostles of Nature: Jugendstil and Art Nouveau explores the popular late ni...
The Bauhaus, a comprehensive new digital resource, launched by the Harvard Art Museums
相关描述:The Harvard Art Museums have unveiled a new online resource dedicated to the Bauhaus, expanding access to one of the first and largest Bauhaus co...
Exhibition explores the paintings, sculpture, furniture, ivories and silverworks of the Altiplano
相关描述:Highest Heaven, on view at the San Antonio Museum of Art, explores the paintings, sculpture, furniture, ivories and silverworks of the Altiplano,...
Kunsthistorisches Museum presents an important exhibition on "the art of celebration"
相关描述:In 2016 the Kunsthistorisches Museum is celebrating a jubilee: 125 years ago, on October 17, 1891, Emperor Franz Joseph formally opened the new m...
Louis XIII Cognac May Raise $300,000 for Martin Scorsese’s Film Foundation
相关描述:Three unique Louis XIII cases are to be sold at Sotheby’s to benefit The Film Foundation led by director Martin Scorsese. The “L’odyssée D’un Roi...
Hudson River Museum announces appointment of new Director
相关描述:The Hudson River Museum announced the appointment of Masha Turchinsky to the post of Director to succeed Michael Botwinick. Mr. Botwinick, the lo...
Three exhibitions take radically different perspectives on the idea of "home"
相关描述:This summer, Pulitzer Arts Foundation presents three exhibitions of art that, while from different eras and in radically different styles and med...
Japan’s First Comprehensive Show on Marie Antoinette at Mori Arts Center
相关描述:This October, Tokyo-based Mori Arts Center Gallery, in cooperation with Versailles, will display a significant exhibition on Marie Antoinette, th...
“The Camera Exposed” at the Victoria & Albert Museum, London
相关描述:The very act of holding a camera to one’s eye is a reinforcement of the photographer’s intention to intervene. The camera hides the photographer’...
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