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雅昌现场 | 塞尔斯:不掩饰自身本质的纯绘画
相关描述:  我所创造的是并不掩饰自身本质的纯绘画。因此,我的作品往往具有纯二维的物理本质,作为第三维的厚度往往是缺席的,有时候甚至连画框或保护玻璃都没有。被展示的只是一幅绘画。  ——赛尔斯(Serse)  2024年4月6日,意大利艺术家塞尔斯(Serse)的个展《水中谜语》在K空间启幕。  塞...
相关描述:塞尔斯:水中谜语Serse: Riddle in WaterK空间2024年4月6日-6月2日  K空间将于4月6日举办意大利艺术家塞尔斯个展《水中谜语》。水面 A fior d’acqua纸上石墨 Graphite on paper100x140cm2拼2015  塞尔斯,出生于圣波洛迪...
相关描述:  近日,正在泉州老家自费修建公园的艺术家陈文令,收到了一份来自意大利迟来的荣誉:佛罗伦萨国立美术学院授予陈文令的荣誉院士勋章,证书和一封院长的书信。勋章证书  2021年4月27日,建校230年的世界第一所美术学院佛罗伦萨国立美术学院,由于疫情原因举行了一场独特的线上授勋典礼。学院主席卡...
TANK Artist Takeover | 变装皇后 Victoria Sin
相关描述:作为即将开幕的展览《More, More, More》“艺术家接管计划”的一部分,本周我们邀请了艺术家单慧乾(Victoria Sin)来接管油罐艺术中心的社交媒体平台,分享她/他最近的表演和写作。As part of the upcoming exhibition More, More,...
相关描述: 展览海报   当下各种各样的新媒体展览或者科技艺术展览、沉浸式艺术展览频繁举办,VR、AI、生物学、物理学等等这些通常很难与纯艺术联系上的技术和学科也在不断的跨越到艺术领域,对于艺术来说究竟意味着什么?新技术的运用就意味着是未来艺术或者艺术的未来的吗?在各种新名词和视觉刺激的后面,究...
相关描述:  2017年8月12日,瑞士洛迦诺电影节,盛大70周年系列活动之“Face to Face in Locarno”创作展览圆满结束。艺术家童雁汝南获2017洛迦诺金杯奖特别奖。此外,瑞士ISPEC组织为表彰艺术家童雁汝南在此次文化交流活动中作出的贡献,授予其特殊文化奖。 在唯一存世...
频繁的设计师回顾展和度假系列走秀 为了给时尚挤一点灵感出来么?
相关描述:  回顾过去几个月全球几大知名艺术博物馆的日程,以反叛著称的时尚设计师出现频率之高,可能会令你感到惊讶。   5 月的第一个周一,纽约大都会艺术博物馆时装学院(Costume Institute of the Metropolitan Museum of Art)春季展开展,主题是《川久...
【雅昌观察】2017威尼斯双年展中国馆公布 邱志杰的当代艺术+非遗组合拳
相关描述:   威尼斯双年展中国馆主办方中国对外文化集团公司向雅昌艺术网介绍,第57届威尼斯双年展中国馆策展人、策展主题与参展艺术家已经确定:第57届威尼斯双年展中国馆由中央美术学院实验艺术学院院长邱志杰担任策展人,他将率汤南南、邬建安、汪天稳、姚惠芬四位艺术家参展,中国馆主题为“不息(Conti...
相关描述:  据ArtNews的Andrew Russeth报道,威尼斯双年展组委会已在其官网上公布了参加今年双年展主题馆的艺术家,共有120位,其中包括中国艺术家耿建翌、关小、郝量、刘建华、刘野和周滔。去年9月,双年展主席保罗·巴拉塔(Paolo Baratta)和策展人克里斯汀·马萨尔(Chri...
Art-O-Rama 2016 Brings Art Collectors to the South of France
相关描述:Art-O-Rama international contemporary art fair returned to the Friche la Belle de Mai in Marseille for its 10th anniversary edition in 2016 from ...
BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art opens "The Playground Project"
相关描述:BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead is presenting the exhibition The Playground Project. Until the 1980s – and in rare cases today – p...
A Plain Art: Centre Pompidou opens new exhibition
相关描述:With « Un art pauvre » (« A Plain Art »), a completely new, multidisciplinary event, the Centre Pompidou proposes an analysis of artistic practic...
"Venice, Jews and Europe 1516-2016" opens at Doge's Palace in Venice
相关描述:The area was defined by two gates which, as pointed out by the Senate on 29 March, 1516, would be opened in the morning to the sound of the “Mara...
Mazzoleni London Celebrates Radical Pittura Analitica Group
相关描述:Mazzoleni London is currently presenting the first UK exhibition devoted to Pittura Analitica, one of the most significant and influential artist...
In new exhibition, Kunsthalle Zürich once again pushes the frontier in what art possibly means
相关描述:After showing a puppet theater, a theater project, invitation cards and bodybuilding, Kunsthalle Zürich is once again pushing the frontier in wha...
Exhibition explores the relationship between architecture and nightlife in Italy during the 1960s and 1970s
相关描述:Radical Disco: Architecture and Nightlife in Italy, 1965 – 1975 is a presentation exploring the relationship between architecture and nightlife i...
'Art & Architecture in Cinema' series to bring world renowned works to select U.S. movie theaters in 2016
相关描述:Fathom Events, in partnership with SpectiCast, presents the “Art & Architecture in Cinema” series in select U.S. cinemas from January through Jul...
'Art & Architecture in Cinema' series to bring world renowned works to select U.S. movie theaters in 2016
相关描述:Fathom Events, in partnership with SpectiCast, presents the “Art & Architecture in Cinema” series in select U.S. cinemas from January through Jul...
Claudio Parmiggiani's first solo exhibition in Hong Kong opens at Simon Lee Gallery
相关描述:Alison Jacques Gallery announces a solo exhibition of new work by French artist Davide Balula. Balula’s practice manifests in a wide range of for...
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