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相关描述:    欣赏吴威的油画,你会惊讶于他以逆时代的方式呈现了自己的艺术风貌。   Admiring Wuwei's painting, you are surprised by his artistic style which goes against the trends of the ...
镜像映射: 扬·范·艾克与前拉斐尔派
相关描述:  英国国家美术馆(National Gallery)展览“镜像映射: 扬·范·艾克与前拉斐尔派”(Reflections: Van Eyck and the Pre-Raphaelites)揭示了扬·范·艾克对于前拉斐尔派的影响,特别能从他代表性的画作《阿诺菲尼的婚礼》(Arnolfin...
Michelangelo, Pre-Raphaelites, Chris Ofili: 5 Shows at the National Gallery in 2017
相关描述:At a press conference on June 30, Gabriele Finaldi, director of London’s National Gallery, outlined the exhibitions that the museum will be stagi...
London photography week: what to see at Photo London and beyond
相关描述:This week London finds itself looking down multiple lenses as the capital braces itself for a fully-fledged photo-fest. The primary (ahem) focus ...
Venus, Remixed: The Cult of Botticelli Thrives at the V&A
相关描述:“It is difficult to speak adequately, perhaps even intelligibly, ofSandro Botticelli.” So wrote Henry James in 1909. Nonetheless, such qualms did...
Art and Photography from the Pre-Raphaelites to the Modern Age at the Tate Modern
相关描述:Tate Britain is presenting a major exhibition looking at the conversation between early photography and British art. Spanning a 70-year period, ...
Art and Photography from the Pre-Raphaelites to the Modern Age on view at Tate Britain
相关描述:Tate Britain uncovers the dynamic dialogue between British painters and photographers; from the birth of the modern medium to the blossoming of a...
University of Oxford's Ashmolean Museum opens new Nineteenth-Century Art Galleries
相关描述:On 13 May the Ashmolean opens to the public its newly refurbished and redisplayed galleries of Nineteenth-Century Art in the Museum’s historic Co...
Cleveland Museum of Art announces new acquisitions by Raoul Dufy, Yves Tanguy and Ben Shahn
相关描述:Recent acquisitions by the Cleveland Museum of Art include two color woodcuts by American Modernist printmaker Arthur Wesley Dow, one a purchase ...
"Botticelli Reimagined" at the Victoria and Albert Museum
相关描述:Celebrated in his time then largely forgotten for nearly 300 years, Sandro Botticcelli was ‘rediscovered’ in the 19th century by the pre-Raphaeli...
Walker Art Gallery uncovers new link between Liverpool and the Pre-Raphaelite movement
相关描述:New research into the links between Liverpool and the Pre-Raphaelite movement, for the Walker Art Gallery’s exhibition Pre-Raphaelites: Beauty an...
Art of the Brotherhood
相关描述:An exhibition of over 120 drawings and a few oil sketches by Victorian artists associated with the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood – John Everett Mill...
Pre-Raphaelite Drawings From Lanigan Collection To Be Exhibited At Leighton House
相关描述:Leighton House Museum has announced their first show for 2016, titled Pre-Raphaelites on Paper: Victorian Drawings from the Lanigan Collection. T...
Photo London launches plans for 2016: 80 of world's leading galleries to participate
相关描述:London will celebrate photography across the capital in May 2016, with Photo London at Somerset House as a focal point for city-wide exhibitions,...
Photo London Announces Plans For 2016 Events Week
相关描述:Photo London at Somerset House is always a highlight of the UK art calendar. The fair is always a focal point for city-wide exhibitions, and even...
Artists Pay Homage to Botticelli Renaissance at Gemäldegalerie Berlin
相关描述:“The Botticelli Renaissance” at the Gemäldegalerie in Berlin seeks to present the Florentine artist’s lasting influence on later generations, inc...
Museum opens first retrospective of female Victorian artist Marie Spartali Stillman
相关描述:Marie Spartali Stillman (1844–1927) was one of a small number of professional female artists working in the second half of the 19th century withi...
Pre-Raphaelites On Paper Exhibition Announced For Leighton House Museum
相关描述:Pre-Raphaelites on Paper: Victorian Drawings from the Lanigan Collection An exhibition at Leighton House Museum organised by the National Gallery...
Drawings by the Pre-Raphaelites and their contemporaries on view at the National Gallery of Canada
相关描述:The National Gallery of Canada presents Beauty’s Awakening: Drawings by the Pre-Raphaelites and Their Contemporaries from the Lanigan Collection....
Exhibition at Chiostro del Bramante recounts James Tissot's passions, torments and experiences
相关描述:A refined leading figure in the elite of his time, both envied and loved, James Tissot is a painter whose art in some respects is still an enigma...
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