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相关描述:  翁笑雨,与侯瀚如一同担任古根海姆何鸿毅家族基金中国当代艺术计划第二次展览的联合策展人。此计划结合了研究、展览和收藏,展览中的作品将委任来自中国(甄选范围包括大陆、台湾、香港和澳门)的艺术家进行创作。今天,古根海姆公布了今年秋季群展中的委任艺术家名单:饶加恩(Chia-En Jao)、阚...
相关描述:   主办:深圳美术馆、香港大学、饶宗颐学术馆之友、饶学研究基金   承办:香港大学饶宗颐学术馆   支持:香港特别行政区政府民政事务局、联合出版(集团)有限公司、饶学联汇   开幕式时间:2017年4月28日下午3时   展期:2017年4月26日至5月7日   地点:深圳美...
Artists from Greater China commissioned to create new works for Guggenheim
相关描述:Today, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum announced the artists who have been commissioned to create works that will enter its collection as part o...
相关描述:  翁笑雨,与侯瀚如一同担任古根海姆何鸿毅家族基金中国当代艺术计划第二次展览的联合策展人。此计划结合了研究、展览和收藏,展览中的作品将委任来自中国(甄选范围包括大陆、台湾、香港和澳门)的艺术家进行创作。今天,古根海姆公布了今年秋季群展中的委任艺术家名单:饶加恩(Chia-En Jao)、阚...
A methodology yet unprecedented is the finest
相关描述:  A methodology yet unprecedented is the finest   作者(Author): Sun Ke / Nov. 2013, Art Observation 浏览人数(Views): 49   ——Sun Ke:one of the most fa...
Comments from important artists
相关描述:  1. Jao Tsung-i, one of the most famous Chinese study scholars in 20th century and artist (Forward of Liping Zheng Collected Painting II, Hong K...
Premier Galleries Announced For Art Basel Hong Kong's Second Edition
相关描述:Art Basel Hong Kong has announced details of its second edition, taking place 15 May - 18 May  2014, at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition C...
Here’s the 2014 Art Basel Hong Kong Exhibitor List
相关描述:Today Art Basel announced the 245 galleries that will participate in its Hong Kong edition, which runs May 15 through 18 this year at the Hong Ko...
Premier selection of galleries to participate in Art Basel's second edition in Hong Kong
相关描述:HONG KONG.- Art Basel announced today details of its second edition in Hong Kong, taking place Thursday, May 15, to Sunday, May 18, 2014 at the H...
Classical and Modern Chinese Ink Works Coming to Christie's HK
相关描述:Christie’s Hong Kong fall 2013 sale series will include 790 lots of Chinese ink works, spanning classical to modern paintings and calligraphy. Th...
Sense and sensation at the Asia-Pacific Triennial
相关描述:THIS year's Asia-Pacific Triennial at the Queensland Art Gallery lays a particularly strong emphasis on South Pacific Islander art, so that the w...
The 7th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art (APT7)
相关描述: Since 1993, the Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art (APT) has been the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art’s flagship contemp...
相关描述:  展览结构的调整:再访双年展   避免展览总得从新开始,TB10将过去台北双年展累积的成果为基础,邀请4组2008台北双年展参展艺术家回来,以批判眼光重温他们之前的参展作品。4组艺术家分别为:拉拉.阿尔玛雀纪(Lara Almarcegui)、布拉克.德里尔(Burak Delier)...
2010台北双年展 公布展览全貌与参展艺术家名单
相关描述:  自1998年起,台北双年展已成为当代艺术的主要前哨基地。2010第七届台北双年展尝试反思文化生产状态,尤其是针对双年展本身,以重新审视艺术的政治性;它的批判立场不仅针对艺术生产如何被管理和运用,也针对生产模式如何被区分和归类。因此,本展览反思当代艺术和双年展现象的位置,将看来自然的展览...
Master Displays Artistic Works on Dunhuang Culture
相关描述: Poet, calligrapher and painter Jao Tsung-I is exhibiting more than 80 paintings and calligraphic works featuring Dunhuang culture at the Shenzh...
Master Displays Artistic Works on Dunhuang Culture
相关描述:   Poet, calligrapher and painter Jao Tsung-I is exhibiting more than 80 paintings and calligraphic works featuring Dunhuang culture at the She...
