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相关描述:​作者Duffy Healey and Elizabeth Laul Healey 2010年出版 收录的世界名人(Duffy Healey and Elizabeth Laul Healey have been involved in ocean protection for the l...
相关描述:  2020年香港巴塞尔艺术展因疫情取消了展会。幸运的是巴塞尔官方宣布将邀请所有2020年香港展会的参展艺廊通过网上展厅这个平行的艺术世界,呈现他们精心准备的作品。线上展厅于3月20日至25日向公众开放,大家可以足不出户在家中就可享受一次感官的极致洗礼。  作为最钟情艺术的金融机构,安信信...
相关描述:导言:“雅昌月度策展人影响力榜单”是雅昌艺术网从媒体角度对当代艺术领域的策展与展览呈现进行全面搜集、记录与跟踪,从专业角度解读“策展人”每月所策划的展览在学术性、策划执行、公众认知及影响力、国际化推广、盈利能力等方面的能力与创新。策展人:姜节泓 何人说梦:来自挪威的当代艺术A学术性:✭✭✭...
相关描述:导言:“雅昌月度策展人影响力榜单”是雅昌艺术网从媒体角度对当代艺术领域的策展与展览呈现进行全面搜集、记录与跟踪,从专业角度解读“策展人”每月所策划的展览在学术性、策划执行、公众认知及影响力、国际化推广、盈利能力等方面的能力与创新。7月3日 策展人:乐大豆 Massimo Torrigian...
相关描述:"Ascesis of the immediate, of the lightning bolt." --Henri Michaux, Ideograms in China (New York:New Directions, 2002).   In the North America ...
【雅昌专稿】新鲜上榜!杭州两位藏家入选ARTnews顶级藏家榜TOP 200
相关描述:  曾几何时,处于金字塔顶端的艺术藏家们似乎是处在一个相对私密的小圈子里,要是有谁将自己的私人博物馆大开门户,或者高调地炫耀珍藏,那他的名字就不太可能会出现在顶端圈层的座上宾名单中,因为他们不想让圈子以外的人摸透自己有多少家底。   但是今年5月中旬,日本一位年轻藏家po在Instagr...
相关描述:    Jean-Claude Freymond-Guth。图片:致谢Freymond-Guth Fine Arts   本月初,当瑞士艺术品经纪人Jean-Claude Freymond-Guth在一封饱含个人情绪的公开信里宣布突然关闭与巴塞尔同名的画廊时,艺术界将意外之感和悲哀之情...
相关描述:  本月初,当瑞士艺术品经纪人Jean-Claude Freymond-Guth在一封饱含个人情绪的公开信里宣布突然关闭与巴塞尔同名的画廊时,艺术界将意外之感和悲哀之情倾泻在社交媒体上。当今,在小型画廊面对日益严峻的挑战的时机之下,这封信用它对“异化性"的大声抗议触动了人们的心弦。在Fre...
美国剧坛巨擘爱德华 · 阿尔比收藏将现蘇富比
相关描述:   纽约,2017年6月29日 蘇富比荣幸宣布,将于今年九月举行专场拍卖,呈献爱德华-阿尔比收藏,拍卖所得收益将惠及爱德华-阿尔比基金会,于长岛蒙托克区(Montauk, Long Island)为作家及艺术家提供进驻计划。   爱德华-阿尔比(1928-2016年)乃美国最受人景仰...
相关描述:  毕加索在晚年说:“我十四岁就能画得像拉斐尔一样好,之后我用一生去学习像小孩子那样画画。”     孩子,在最富创造力的年龄,释放天性,我有幸带领他们踏入艺术的大门。为了避免破坏这种天性,我主要以鼓励、启发的教学方式为主,这种方法不会让他们在学习过程中迅速得到技术性的结果,但...
Pioneering photographer and filmmaker Wendy Snyder MacNeil dies
相关描述:The Ryerson Image Centre regrets to announce the passing of pioneering photographer and filmmaker Wendy Snyder MacNeil, who died at her home in L...
Martin-Gropius-Bau Brings Berenice Abbott’s New York to Berlin
相关描述:Berenice Abbott, one of the early 20th century's  most seminal female photographers and chronicler of New York, is being celebrated this summer –...
The Feminine Gaze: Female Artists on Focus
相关描述:Four new shows opening this summer in Los Angeles and New York reverse the male gaze to explore what happens when women do the looking — at other...
MAK Center Director Leaves for University Art Museum at Cal State Long Beach
相关描述:After nearly fourteen years leading the MAK Center for Art and Architecture at the Schindler House in Los Angeles, director Kimberli Meyer is lea...
New Heights in Harlem: Blue-Chip Galleries Open Spaces Uptown
相关描述:Gavin Brown’s Enterprise, Elizabeth Dee Gallery, and Broadway 1602, in collaboration with Tel Aviv–based Tempo Rubato and Zurich-based Freymond-G...
"Drawing Dialogues: Selections from the Sol LeWitt Collection" on view at the Drawing Center
相关描述:The Drawing Center presents Drawing Dialogues: Selections from the Sol LeWitt Collection, an exhibition featuring over one hundred works by more ...
Spring Masters NY Announces Gallery Lineup
相关描述:Spring Masters New York, which takes place in the Park Avenue Armory, has announced the gallery lineup for its third edition in May, the last ite...
Documentary about the art and life of Eva Hesse to open at Film Forum in New York on April 27
相关描述:Zeitgeist Films presents the US Theatrical release of EVA HESSE, a documentary film by Marcie Begleiter. Eva Hesse will open at Film Forum in New...
Art Los Angeles Contemporary 2016 reports strong sales and attendance at the largest edition of the fair
相关描述:The seventh edition of Art Los Angeles Contemporary came to a close on Sunday, January 31, with record ticket sales at the box office, reports of...
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