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相关描述:   事情的开始是这样······ 面对广大艺术爱好者, 艺术看展对外招募了100位【看展体验官】     结果,报名后台一下子炸了! 来自全国各地800多位艺术看展用户 踊跃参与! 看展君要被大家喜爱艺术的热情融化, 往后的日子, 我们一起: ...
Whyte's announces exceptional collection of works included in sale of important Irish art
相关描述:DUBLIN.- Whyte’s Important Irish Art auction on 25 May boasts an exceptional collection of works by some of the most significant names in the art...
PULSE Contemporary Art Fair opens at the Metropolitan Pavilion in Chelsea.
相关描述:NEW YORK, NY.- PULSE Contemporary Art Fair opens at its New York home, the Metropolitan Pavilion in Chelsea. Celebrating its 10th anniversary yea...
PULSE Names Miami 2014 Exhibitors
相关描述:The Miami exhibitor lists keep on coming. Today, PULSE Miami Beach sent out its list of 2014 participants. With a new location on Indian Park Bea...
PULSE Miami Beach Bringing 60 Galleries to New Oceanfront Spot
相关描述:As PULSE Miami Beach gears up for its 10th year, a change of venue is in the cards. Rather than continuing to make its home at the off-the-beaten...
Getty Research Institute Acquires Robert McElroy’s “Happenings” Archive
相关描述:The L.A Times reports that the Getty Research Institute has announced their acquisition of photographer Robert McElroy’s archive, which contains ...
摄影师Nich Hance McElroy:美国大峡谷
相关描述:  美国大峡谷(科罗拉多大峡谷)可以堪称举世闻名的自然景观,是世界上最长的峡谷之一,峡谷最深处1800米。同时它也被认为是美国东部和西部的分界线,向东流的河水注入大西洋,而向西的则注入太平洋。摄影师Nich Hance McElroy以一种诗意细腻的观察(小编一度怀疑这是个女摄影师,不过暂...
Furious Fight Over Degas Statues
相关描述:A dealer of Edgar Degas bronzes claims in court that the founder of a hunger charity absconded with works meant to be raffled off to benefit Hait...
Buckingham Co. and Indianapolis Museum of Art collaborate on new commissions for art hotel
相关描述:Buckingham Companies and the Indianapolis Museum of Art today announced that they are collaborating on the art program for The Alexander, a new h...
黄永玉贺京沙荣获 “首届美中特殊贡献奖”
相关描述:  日前,由美中商业协会(USCN)主办的美中商业交流论坛暨首届“美中特殊贡献奖”颁奖典礼在上海举行。10位在美中两国外交、经济、艺术、文化、传媒、制造、营销、创意等领域中作出特殊贡献的人士受到表彰,两位湘籍艺术家——著名画家黄永玉与著名书法家贺京沙名列其中。同时获奖的还有美国前国务卿亨利...
New Help for New York Arts Groups; Apollo Theater Honors New York City and Bloomberg for Commitment to Arts
相关描述:Today, the Pew Charitable Trusts is to bring a program to New York that provides cultural organizations with full-time on-call free technical ass...
MoMA Receives Leon Levy Grant for P.S. 1; AIPAD Announces New President
相关描述:Steven McElroy reports in the New York Times that the Museum of Modern Art has received a grant from the Leon Levy Foundation that will allow the...
British Museum Director Says No to Met; More Space for Brooklyn Arts Groups
相关描述:According to Bloomberg’s Farah Nayeri, British Museum director Neil MacGregor was approached to be the next head of New York's Metropolitan Museu...
