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潘律 (年-)



  潘律现任香港理工大学中国文化学系助理教授。她曾在柏林工业大学(2008/2009),哈佛燕京学社(2011-2012),福冈亚洲美术馆(2016)和台北艺术大学(2018)担任访问学者和驻留研究者。潘律博士出版的专着有《看不见的复写城市:柏林和上海的记忆、空间和现代性》(Peter Lang 2016)与《公共空间的审美化:东亚城市的街头视觉政治》(Intellect 2015)。她也是鲍里斯格罗伊斯的《论新》一书德语原版的中文译者(重庆大学出版社2018)。除了从事学术研究和教学工作之外,潘律还是活跃的策展人和影像艺术家,曾与艺术家王博合作制作纪录片《隐形城市的踪迹》(2016)、《瘴气、植物与外销画》(2017)和《涌浪之间》等作品。其中《瘴气、植物与外销画》获东京“影像论坛”电影节优秀奖。她也是2018台北关渡双年展的策展人之一。   Pan Lu is Assistant Professor at the Department of Chinese Culture, Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She was a visiting scholar and visiting fellow at the Technical University of Berlin (2008 and 2009), the Harvard-Yenching Institute (2011-2012), researcher in residence at Fukuoka Asian Art Museum (2016) and visiting scholar at Taipei National University of the Arts (2018). Pan is the author of two monographs: In-Visible Palimpsest: Memory, Space and Modernity in Berlin and Shanghai (Bern: Peter Lang, 2016) and Aestheticizing Public Space: Street Visual Politics in East Asian Cities (Bristol: Intellect, 2015). She translated Boris Groys' ?ber das Neue into Chinese (2018, Chongqing University Press). Her films, co-directed with Bo Wang, include Traces of an Invisible City (2016), Miasma, Plants and Export Paintings (2017), which received the Award for Excellence, 32nd Image Forum Festival, Tokyo, Japan, and Many Undulating Things (2019). She was one of the curators of Kuandu Biennale, Taipei, 2018.
